This is the promised substancial entry. It's essentially highlighting all the modeling Tilda Swinton as done as of late. God help me, I adore that woman. All images from The Fashion Spot.
Sup Tilda in ES Magazine. She's wearing LANVIN. Okay let's discuss how my favorite ad campaign of the season pretty much is Lanvin. But Tilda is so masculine (or eh, "gender neutral" whatever) that the flow of the Lanvin makes a nice contrast.
I'm basically obsessed with the ENTIRE Pomellato jewelery campaign that Tilda did. Her hair is super bombass and I can't even handle how awesome it looks. I totally hotlinked these which makes me feel bad but it's the only time I ever have so whatever. The purple with the ring just murders me, but not as much as her hair in the yellow shot. I can't stop rambling over this campaign. I need to hush.
DAZED AND CONFUSED DAZED AND CONFUSED DAZED AND CONFUSED. Ahem. Sorry about that. I'm just too busy STILL OBSESSING OVER TILDA'S HAIR. This isn't even her real hair and I'm still flipping. The CURLS, ya'll. They're so vuluptuous and pretty and I just can't even.
I know the next perfume I'M buying. Well after Lola but whatever. Like This by Etat Libre d’Orange. SHE'S COPYING HER FACE. I feel like maybe this is something Tilda would do anyway, like when she got drunk. It would be pretty freaking amazing if she did, actually.
Holy hell. The androgyny of this picture is like. Can't deal. So much of Tilda is just too much for me to handle. The Pringle of Scotland ad campaign will probably be hanging on my wall within the week.
Basically I could go on for days about how this lady is a total fashion icon, sexy mama, and unparalleled actress, but that would be boring. Pictures are always more fun.
I disappeared to go on a cruise and get a job and have prom. Oops. I don't have time to type about all of these or do a REAL outfit post, but have some basics.
My prom dress.
And now my insane overuse of Rodarte for Target in everyday wear.
Formal night on the cruise. Rodarte for Target dress.
Cozumel, Mexico. ...ignore my caved in stomach from the pose. Rodarte for Target bikini.
Various other nights. Don't even ask about this. Rodarte for Target hoodie.
In short, I LOVE IT. And that really is all for now, I apologize. A better one soon?
I waited till the last minute, wasn't familiar with all the categories, and took the lazy way out. This is mostly for reference later. Feel free to mock me.
I don't have time to do a picspam over the entire September Issue film, so here, enjoy a mini-spam of Grace Coddington's foray into the country, from the Bonus Features disc.
The outside of her house.
Her cat, Bart. He freaking WINKS or something, and it scares the hell out of me.
The art..... of cats. All of it, CATS CATS CATS.
I just... have no words for this. None. I'm so dead.
And DRAWINGS of her cats. So basically the Catwalk Cats book ON HER WALL.
Then she goes out to her garden to get her other cat, Pumpkin. He tries to run, but he doesn't stand a chance.
She scoops him up and looks adorable, basically. GEEZ GRACE STOP BEING SO CUTE.
Bonus, from PAPER magazine.
And then a picture of what I'm wearing today, because it's SPRING and WARM.
I would post things, but I'm on dial-up (The SHOCK! The HORROR!), which I didn't even know still existed until Isabel mentioned it not long ago. Here I find myself in the same boat, and lemme tell you: It sucks. I've been putting on my Smart Glasses (not really, all glasses look awful on me), consuming upwards of four pots of coffee per day, and actually reading something that isn't a magazine again.
This week I ~finally finished my Anna Wintour biography which may or may not be accurate, and a great book called Snapped by Pamela Klaffke. The Anna bio is obviously about Anna, but Snapped follows Sara B. (which totally freaks me out because I have a friend who runs a theatre/opera/etc blog who goes by SaraH B.) as she goes through a mid-life crisis consisting mainly of not being able to feel out what's cool anymore, something she has based her whole career on. There's an All About Eve-esque character named Eva (who sets about calling herself Eva B.), trying to take Sara's job at the fictitious Canadian indie magazine Snap, where Sara runs the weekly DO's and DON'Ts page. Throw in some dry humor, an old lady with an obscenely large magazine collection, parrots, and sex and Pamela Klaffke actually has a really hilarious book. READ IT.
Fixing a broken link, THIS is my signed DVD of The September Issue.
Also, in the mail today, I recieved a plethora of Australian theatre memorabilia (which is one of my random obsessions, don't even ask) and a playbill of TALLULAH BANKHEAD (my goddess) in Noel Coward's Private Lives from the late 30's.
I'm ecstatic. Now excuse me while I go watch Grace's extra scene on TSI DVD of her showing off her country home. The main theme? CATS, DUHHH.
So much to touch on. I've spent the day being an awkward person, no big deal. Also I cleaned out a kitchen for these super old people who collect things like Edie Beale so that was gross.
Annnnnnyway, I promised to address New York Fashion Week, so forever after everyone else, I will.
The first collection I'm going to talk about is Erin Fetherstone, because I don't think many people have mentioned it. I got a totally 70's vibe from it, and lately I've been loving the 70's. A few people I know brushed it off as boring, but I really adore it, mostly because it's SUPER wearable. I can honestly see myself in, like, 85%, of these clothes. My favorites were:
These prints were to die for. They're birds, if you can't tell. Also the velvet pants in the first look so much. I'm so ready for velvet, (she says again).
These semi-sheer outfits follow the whole sheer trend while being EVER SO SLIGHTLY more conservative, and by that I mean not at all because lace makes the clothes seem more.. erotic? than plain sheerness. The cardigan reminds me of the Rodarte for Target one I have, but only a little.
And on to the jackets. The first of these looks like something I would wear basically every day, and the other are velvet. By now, I assume you know my feelings on velvet. They're also extremely well cut; I'm a sucker for thinly cut (like, the front pieces? God I fail at fashion commentary) jackets.
There's only two parts to this look that were favorites of mine: the flowy, sheer sleeved shirt. I'm absolutely obsessed with the bows-up-the-front pattern of the first one, and the scarf and overall feel of the second look is so nice. I just love this collection, you guys. I really do.
Finally, three completely unrelated and all devastatingly gorgeous dresses. The first is more casual, obviously and something I'd want to wear shopping or whatever. The second I'm going to wear to prom, k thanks. The third is SO CUTE I CAN' EVEN STAND IT. The peekaboo tulle at the top sends it over the edge, and it's a nice color. I think it's my favorite piece of the collection because it is SO SIMPLE. Anyway.
Secondly, Alexander Wang. I know this has been talked about to death and I probably have NO new insight, but I'm totally head over heels for his gray knits. The first trend of his collection I want to highlight is the LEG THINGYS. I don't even know exactly what to call them (does anyone?) so we'll go with footless thigh highs. I. Need. Some. Do you think they'd be easy to DIY? We shall see. Also in these photos, the lace details, especially on Karlie's look (center).
Okay this gets its own photo because FAVORITE OF EVER I NEED THIS CARDIGAN THING OMG OMG OMG.It's everything I love about knits, and draped so stunningly. I need it in my life.
God now I'm lazy. I'll do a FULL alllll fashion week favorites later (rather than sooner).
Moving on to our next portion: DVF and Anna Wintour are so bff. This upcoming spam is so necessary, admit it. I love them both too terribly much, and they are besties because I said so. Plus, the proof is in the pictures. :P
"Oh my gosh, Anna, look at her butt! It's so.. big and round." ...........................that is such a cheap joke. Sue me. It's 2 am.
Strollin' down the street, probably shoppin' and gossipin' like BFFs do.
I have so many more photos of them but at this time of night I'm out of captions. Sorry.
Okay enough spam.
To finish up, what I wore today.
velvet dress, goodwill. tights, wet seal. shoes, goodwill. scarf, rodarte for target (came with gray sweater)
ALSO ALSO I took this from Bonjour Girl, but this movie looks so great.
Hi there. So you can basically ignore my last entry, crisis (hopefully) averted, me feeling like a stalker still stands, but hopefully this will be fixed and I can stop being ~delusional and weird and um KATE I'M SORRY I SEND AWKWARD EMAILS AND I STILL REALLY WANT TO BE AWESOME ANNA, COMME, US VOGUE, & TAVI WORSHIPPING FRIENDS EMAIL ME PLEASEEEEEEE. Yeah. Definitely went farther with that than I planned.
Moving on from yet another moment of creeperness, let's discuss March Vogue. *Inspired* by Kate W. (of kasmslo and the above paragraph fame) and her monthly Vogue reviews, I took a couple photos of the things I liked, but am not going to go into full worshipful detail on the issue because... that's Kate's deal. So you should all just leave my blog and go read hers because it's more entertaining/intense/witty/etc.
I tried to think of a t-shirt slogan and could only come up with "Let's bone, Lara Stone." And just... no. Not okay. and MORE LARA.
And this is where we interrupt me talking about Vogue to talk about Lara.
And in Interview Magazine.
"STONE: I hate walking down a runway in really high heels.
(MARC) JACOBS: Really? I thought you always wore high heels!
STONE: I'm terrible in high heels. I'm so bad."
Mmhmm. YEAH. That happened. It made me smile so big, because I HAVE FLAT FEET.
Back to the Bib- I mean Vogue.
I think Queen Anna and G Coddz and the entire team at US Vogue wants me dead because this was in the March issue AS WELL as Lara.
Observe the arm/leg tattoos in this editorial.
Now observe Karlie backstage at Rodarte S/S 2010 in FULL TATTOO ARMS. Mmmhmm. Yeah. /Most obvious thing ever, but.
Then observe this description. Is it legible? I hope so. I laughed SO HARD.
And continuing on the theme of my complete obsession with Rodarte. THIS WAS THERE TOO.
I have more to say but too lazy and this entry is already tl;dr.
Here is me in a red shirt I thrifted this week + a too-big blacck belt. More fatness.
I sat in my grandmother's living room to go along with my little old lady self.
And this one to display the amazing buttons on my sleeves.
And one last one to show off my creepy cat pin and the buttons on the neck.
And to wrap up this longest post evahhhhhh, pictures of my finally silver a la Chanel Haute Couture Spring 2010 fingernails, complete with the band-aid I doodled WWAD (What Would Anna Do) on today during class. So blurry.
Do you ever have a moment where you google something random to see what comes up and then it takes you to a blog and you realize the person will SEE what you google searched and then be able to see how often you look at their blog for inspiration or just to show friends how awesome they are? Because that just happened to me and now that person is going to think I'm a stalker. AWESOME. Thanks life, I love you. Not.
I was going to do an outfit post, but then I was an imbecile and sliced my finger open and now it looks totally gross and bandaged, so you get something else. Because I am a social outcast, freak, and fangirl I recently purchased W magazine from February 2003. The reason? An editorial not BY but ABOUT Divine Goddess Grace Coddington. Today I decided to scan (part of) it for you wonderful readers of mine. All six of you.
AND MY FAVORITE EVER EVER EVER EVER TAKEN. Thank you, Bruce. You are amazing. Xoxo, etc.
Oh, also I went shopping at Goodwill today and bought a helluva lot of ~VELVET because I am so excited for that trend being so prominent at NYFW. (Hollllla.) Then I went to Barnes & Noble and splurged on magazines like I do EVERY month. So yeah.
andi. twenty one. foul mouthed, non-binary, femmefluid, demi-girl. i live in a town far from new york and i blog about gender, fashion, intersectional feminism, cosmetics, the media i consume. pronouns: vi = she, vix = her, vixs = hers.